
Salmon Secrets: Clayoquot Action presents a Jérémy MATHIEU film

Fish farming is pushing wild salmon to the brink of extinction. The federal government has promised to remove fish farms from BC waters by 2025, but now industry is pushing back with false solutions. Join Clayoquot Action’s fish farm watchdog program as a team of underwater cinematographers investigates an “experimental” fish farm near Tofino. What they find surprises them, and spells potential disaster for wild salmon. 

Featuring marine biologist and bestselling author Alexandra Morton, and traditional ‘Na̱mg̱is Chief Ernest Alfred, who document the successful resurgence of salmon after the removal of fish farms from the Broughton Area and Discovery Islands. ~Official Selection of the Vancouver International Mountain Film Festival 2024.

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Semi-Closed Fish Farms Harm Wild Salmon

DFO is considering transitioning open net-pen fish farms to ‘semi-closed’ in-water fish farms. After monitoring this system for over a year, we learned that the new system still harms wild salmon. There is no in-water system which stops fish farm pollution. 

An Action Packed Year in Review, 2022

It’s been an eventful year for conservation campaigns in Clayoquot Sound. Please take a moment to check out a video summary of the year! Your support has helped make all this happen—thank you!

Wild Salmon Flotilla 2022

First Nations leaders and wild salmon warriors travelled from all over BC to participate in this year’s wild salmon flotilla to send a clear message to Government. Do NOT renew these fish farm licenses in June of 2022.

Global News covering the mass die-off we reported

In the Fall of 2019, we uncovered a mass die off at 2 Cermaq fish farms near Tofino. The company wouldn’t admit the die-off until we broke the story to the national media.

CTV National covering Cermaq's pesticide dumping near Tofino

Local Grey Whales are at risk, along with the local businesses that rely on them. Why are we letting international corporations pollute the waters of a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve?

Sea Lice Push Wild Salmon to the Brink

Clayoquot Action joins Cedar Coast Field Station researchers for a journey into Clayoquot Sound, where they look at the devastating impacts fish farm sea lice are having on wild juvenile salmon. For the third year in a row, these vulnerable young salmon are carrying fatal loads of lice.

Deadly chinook salmon virus pollutes Tofino Harbour

We took a dive to see what was happening in Tofino harbour under the town’s largest fish farm processing plant. What we found was devestating.

Protect What You Love

A beautiful journey through Clayoquot Sound and Tofino. This is what’s at stake to protect.

Salmon Farms—Herring Farms?

Dan Lewis spoke at the Hornby Island Herring Festival back in March. His talk explores how open-net pen salmon farming harms wild herring.

Going Viral - Norwegian Salmon Virus Threatens Clayoquot Chinook

Our report established the presence or absence of PRV on salmon farms in Clayoquot Sound. The results: we found 90% of Cermaq’s active farms were PRV-infected; 100% of Creative Salmon’s farms were infected as well.

Clayoquot Salmon Investigations (CSI) 2019

2019 was an action packed year for Clayoquot Action. Check out some of the highlights of Clayoquot Salmon Investigations (CSI)—our salmon farm watch dog program. Citizen science gets the goods!

Behind the Bloom

In June, Clayoquot Sound was faced with a toxic algal bloom. These are made much worse by nutrient loading from salmon farm sewage. It’s time to remove salmon farms from the coastal waters of British Columbia.

Stop Kinder Morgan #WaterIsLife

Kleco, Kleco to Tla-o-qui-aht First Nations elder Levi Martin for your prayer and to Tla o qui aht Tribal Parks coordinator Terry Dorward for your words and welcome.

Eddie Gardner—on fire for wild salmon!

Stó:lō elder Eddie Gardner says wild salmon are at the center of this storm. He spoke at the Victory Week-end celebrations on Burnaby Mountain, where Kinder Morgan was shut down through peaceful resistance. November 30, 2014

Get Wild!

Get Wild! is an educational program with the goal of protecting wild salmon, by encouraging people to ask for and purchase only wild, not farmed salmon. Get Wild! recommends restaurants and food vendors here in Tofino that choose to serve exclusively wild pacific salmon

Mass die-off on Tofino fish farms

We discovered fish farm giant Cermaq had a mass die-off on four of it’s salmon farms north of Tofino in Ahousaht First Nations territory. Contamination spread for kilometres up the inlets in the Clayoquot Sound, a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve, putting wild salmon at risk. 

Mass Die-Off on Tofino Fish Farms Part 2

18 days later and still DFO is no where in sight. The death toll has now surpassed 200,000 farmed salmon and the effluent is visibly affecting the surroundings. 

Dan Lewis on Burnaby Mountain

Clayoquot Action’s Dan Lewis speaks to the crowd at the Burnaby Mountain Kinder Morgan pipeline resistance November 25, 2014.

Stop the dumping of Cermaq's toxic bloodwater!

Send a letter to Tofino Council to help stop Cermaq’s bloodwater from polluting the ocean. Deadline February 28th!
~Tofino residents only~