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What is GetWild?

Get Wild! is the first-of-it’s-kind wild salmon recommendation program, started right here in Tofino

By choosing to Get Wild! rather than purchasing farmed salmon, you are making the ecologically responsible choice for this beautiful wild coast.

Visit these local businesses & chefs who proudly serve exclusively wild (not farmed) salmon.

Get Wild! Registered Vendors:
Get Wild! Program Allies:
Exclusively wild salmon

What is Get Wild?

Get Wild! is an educational program with the goal of protecting wild salmon, by encouraging people to ask for and purchase only wild, not farmed salmon. Situated in the coastal community of Tofino, on the West Coast of Vancouver Island, Get Wild! recommends restaurants and food vendors here in Tofino that choose to serve exclusively wild Pacific salmon.

The ecologically responsible choice

Why Get Wild?

Wild salmon is a cherished food here in Clayoquot Sound, and throughout coastal BC. Locals take pride in wild salmon, and celebrate the seasonal bounty and healthy source of protein that salmon bring. With such an interconnectedness between people and salmon comes the recognition that this beautiful species must be protected. By choosing to Get Wild! rather than purchasing farmed salmon, you are making the ecologically responsible choice for this beautiful wild coast.

Salmon is seasonal

Bear in mind...

Wild salmon is a seasonal food to be celebrated and savoured with respect. Sometimes, wild salmon may not be included on the menu or shelves of a Get Wild! registered business. In this case, your server or vendor can recommend other seasonal seafood for you to enjoy.

DNA Testing


Random, bi-annual DNA testing will be carried out to ensure you have confidence that you are ordering and eating wild, not farmed salmon.

Frequently Asked Questions

One might think that farming salmon gives their wild relatives a break. However, farmed salmon (being carnivores), are fed wild forage fish—resulting in a net loss of protein and adding to ocean species depletion.

The mission of Get Wild! is not to encourage endless consumption of precious wild salmon. Rather, this program aims to open up the dialogue around the challenges posed to wild salmon by open-net pen salmon farming.

Another key goal of the program is to address the lack of education and awareness surrounding seasonality and availability of the five species of Pacific salmon.

Open-net pen salmon farms pollute the ocean, spreading deadly disease and parasites to Clayoquot Sound’s endangered wild salmon.