Category: Salmon farming

Cermaq Semi-Closed Containment System Failure


There’s always a bit of nervous tension during CSI (Clayoquot Salmon Investigation) missions as we approach a fish farm. Our goal is to expose the dirty secrets of salmon farming, and to make the invisible visible. There

Wild Salmon Comeback

The Comeback

Salmon are coming back in abundance after 40% of BC fish farms removed!

The long goodbye

In 2019, the federal Liberals promised to transition from open-net pen aquaculture by 2025. Public mandate letters to successive Ministers reiterated that commitment. Then Covid intervened, stalling the work. As society got back on track,

Ban on open-net pen salmon farms by July 1st, 2029 announced!

Predatory delay

The federal government banned open-net pen salmon farms by July 1st, 2029. Immediate regulatory change is needed!

Fish Farm Medicine Revival Roadshow

Roadshow Reflections

Fish Farm Medicine Revival Roadshow activating salmon people across Vancouver Island!

A black bear catching a wild salmon

Grow out and get out

So, is the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) removing fish farms from BC waters by 2025 (ie this year)? Or are they planning to expand the industry, locking the coast in for another 6

People of the Salmon

Leadership from the Broughton Area were invited to Tofino to speak about how they removed 17 fish farms from their territories.

Cermaq Canada Expansion Clayoquot Sound

Cermaq’s ongoing expansions

Cermaq Canada recently received approval to expand 3 facilities in Clayoquot Sound, and they currently have 7 more expansion applications under review.