Coastal Salmon runs are at a critical juncture. Without change we risk losing wild salmon forever.
Clayoquot Sound Salmon Investigation (CSI) is Clayoquot Action’s citizen monitoring program of Clayoquot Sound’s salmon farms.
Get Wild! is an educational program with the goal of protecting wild salmon, by encouraging people to ask for and purchase only wild, not farmed salmon.
Clayoquot Action activities are governed by these Peaceful Action Agreements:
1. Our attitude is one of openness, friendliness and respect toward everyone we encounter.
2. We will use no violence, verbal or physical, toward anyone.
3. We will not damage any property.
4. We will strive for an atmosphere of calm and dignity.
5. We will carry no weapons.
6. We will not bring or use alcohol or drugs.
7. We are all personally and collectively responsible to model and adhere to this agreement.
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