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DFO wants your input

This is a critical year for wild salmon, as Fisheries Minister Joyce Murray maps out how to fulfill

Unpacking the fish farm decision

Fisheries Minister Joyce Murray announced what could be the beginning of the end for open-net pen salmon farming in British Columbia.

Sea lions trapped!

You know your story has really taken off when media starts calling—from Poland! Two dozen sea lions trapped

Fish Farms: Yes or No DFO?

by Dan Lewis with Alexandra Morton Every fall for the past quarter century, I’ve eagerly anticipated the return

Part 2: War in the woods

(Read Part 1 here) In 1992 in Tofino we decided to switch to a Gandhian style of peaceful


Salmon Farming

Cermaq Semi-Closed Containment System Failure


There’s always a bit of nervous tension during CSI (Clayoquot Salmon Investigation) missions as we approach a fish farm. Our goal is to expose the dirty secrets

Wild Salmon Comeback

The Comeback

Salmon are coming back in abundance after 40% of BC fish farms removed!

The long goodbye

In 2019, the federal Liberals promised to transition from open-net pen aquaculture by 2025. Public mandate letters to successive Ministers reiterated that commitment. Then Covid

Ban on open-net pen salmon farms by July 1st, 2029 announced!

Predatory delay

The federal government banned open-net pen salmon farms by July 1st, 2029. Immediate regulatory change is needed!


Indigenous Rights

People of the Salmon

Leadership from the Broughton Area were invited to Tofino to speak about how they removed 17 fish farms from their territories.

Ahousahts’ vision

Hereditary chiefs typically designate a speaker to speak for them in public. This is because when they say

Alta reflections

The indigenous people of northern Europe are called Sami. They are known for herding reindeer on the tundra.