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Vote for salmon!

The federal election currently underway will be critical for wild salmon. The current federal government has pledged to

Don’t Renew in ’22

It came up in a couple of internal documents from the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO), but

Protecting Fairy Creek

I couldn’t help but notice British Columbia’s slumbering forest movement awakening over the last few years. Busy working

Of jellyfish and mouth rot

We loaded our sampling equipment and camera gear onto Lennie John’s boat, and headed north into his home

In the field with CSI

The smokey brown orange haze from this fall’s wildfires cast an apocalyptic hue over Cermaq’s Clayoquot Sound operations.


Salmon Farming

Ban on open-net pen salmon farms by July 1st, 2029 announced!

Predatory delay

The federal government banned open-net pen salmon farms by July 1st, 2029. Immediate regulatory change is needed!

Fish Farm Medicine Revival Roadshow

Roadshow Reflections

Fish Farm Medicine Revival Roadshow activating salmon people across Vancouver Island!

A black bear catching a wild salmon

Grow out and get out

So, is the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) removing fish farms from BC waters by 2025 (ie this year)? Or are they planning to

People of the Salmon

Leadership from the Broughton Area were invited to Tofino to speak about how they removed 17 fish farms from their territories.


Indigenous Rights

People of the Salmon

Leadership from the Broughton Area were invited to Tofino to speak about how they removed 17 fish farms from their territories.

Ahousahts’ vision

Hereditary chiefs typically designate a speaker to speak for them in public. This is because when they say

Alta reflections

The indigenous people of northern Europe are called Sami. They are known for herding reindeer on the tundra.