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DFO wants your input

This is a critical year for wild salmon, as Fisheries Minister Joyce Murray maps out how to fulfill her mandate to ‘transition from open net-pen salmon farming in coastal BC waters by 2025’.

DFO’s transition report states that “wild Pacific salmon are at risk of disappearing forever if we don’t act”.

It is clear that open-net pens are harming wild salmon by spreading deadly pathogens, parasites and pollution. This is why 75% of British Columbians want fish farms removed from ocean waters. As do over 100 First Nations.

DFO is seeking your input right now. But their online survey has a pre-determined outcome: that fish farms will remain in BC waters—indefinitely!

Do not wade into DFO’s tricksy online survey

We recommend that you not wade into DFO’s tricksy online survey, as anything you say there will be used as proof that you support fish farms staying in the ocean.

One option DFO is pushing, is floating ‘semi-closed containment systems’. When Cermaq’s SCCS trial near Tofino failed last year, they stated “SCCS is immature technology under development”.

There are no in-water fish farm technologies which protect wild salmon. Land-based systems are being built around the world right now, while floating in-water systems require up to 5 years of further review.

Wild salmon don’t have time to wait while the salmon farming industry tinkers with experimental technologies. Government must require the industry to get out of the ocean—by 2025 at the latest.

Use our simple action tool

Your input is needed—before October 27th! You can use our simple action tool to send your message.

Let DFO’s transition team know: there are no in-water fish farms which protect wild salmon. Minister Murray must remove all fish farms from BC waters by 2025.

Dan Lewis is Executive Director of Clayoquot Action.


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